All the cats in moonrise

Firestar, Graystripe, Cinderpelt, Leafpaw, Mousefur, Spiderpaw, Dustpelt, Squirrelpaw, Sandstorm, Cloudtail, Brackenfur, Whitepaw, Thornclaw, Shrewpaw, Brightheart, Brambleclaw, Ashfur, Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail, Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Frostfur, Dappletail, Speckletail, Longtail, Blackstar, Russetfur, Littlecloud, Oakfur, Smokepaw, Tawnypelt, Cedarheart, Rowanclaw, Talonpaw, Tallpoppy, Runningnose, Tallstar, Mudclaw, Crowpaw, Barkface, Onewhisker, Webfoot, Tornear, Whitetail, Morningflower, Leopardstar, Mistyfoot, Mudfur, Mothwing, Blackclaw, Heavystep, Stormfur, Feathertail, Hawkfrost, Mosspelt, Dawnflower, Shadepelt, Loudbelly.

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