scary warrior cats stories #1
The Haunted Twoleg nest
One time a WindClan warrior went to see of he could put a haunt to rest at a twoleg nest in his territory. The twoleg nest had been haunted for the life-span of a middle aged cat. Several cats had tried to stay there all night, but they would always get scared by the haunt.
So this warrior took his prey and went to the twoleg nest and found some moss and made a nest. he sat there eating the rabbit he took with him. Then just before moonhigh he heard something start up underneath him-walking back and forth, back and forth. Then it sounded like somebody was trying to yowl but then got choked off. There was alot of thrashing around and struggling, and finally everything got quiet.
The WindClan warrior bent down to continue eating his rabbit, but before he could start eating, he heard pawsteps comming up. He sat watching the hole that led underneath him, and the pawsteps kept on coming closer and closer. he saw something turn, and when the hole started getting bigger, he jumped up and yowled, "What do you want?"
The hole got smaller, and there wasn't a sound. The WindClan warrior was trembling a little, but he finally ate some of his rabbit. Then he got up and went to fix his nest.
The haunt started walking again and-step!-step!-step!-up the hole. The old WindClan warrior sat watching the hole, saw something turn, and the hole get bigger. It looked like a young she-cat, maybe an apprentice. He backed up and said, "Who are you? "What do you want?"
The she-cat rocked from side to side like she didn't know what to do-then she just faded out. The WindClan warrior waited, waited, and when he didn't hear any more noises, he went over, and made the hole smaller. He was sweating and trembling all over, but he was brave and he thought he would be able to see it through. So he went over to his nest, sat down, and waited.
It wasn't long before he heard the she-cat start up again, slowly-step!-step!-step!-step!-closer, and closer-step!-step!-and she was right at the hole.
The WindClan warrior stood up and set his rabbit out in front of him. Something slowly turned and the hole got very big. This time the WindClan warrior spoke quiet-like. He said, "In the name of StarClan, who are you and what do you want?"
The she-cat walked strait to him, and touched his pelt. It was a young she-cat apprentice. Her pelt was torn and tangled, and flesh was dropping off her face so he could see the bones and part of her teeth. She had no eyes, but there was a sort of blue light in the back of her eye sockets. And she had no muzzle.
Then she started meowing. It sounded like it was coming and going with the wind blowing it. She said how her mate had killed her and put her down the hole. She said if the WindClan warrior found her bones and buried them, she could rest.
Then she told him to take one of the bones from her left fore-paw, and to put it in the center of the clearing at the next gathering-and he'd find out who murdered her.
And she said, "If you come back here once more after that-you'll hear my voice at moonhigh, and I'll tell you where my prey is hidden, and you can give it to your clan."
The she-cat sunk down toward the floor and was gone. The WindClan warrior found her bones and burried them.
At the next gathering the WindClan warrior put the bone in the center of the clearing, and when a certain tom happened to touch it, it stuck to his paw. The man jumped up and rubbed and tore and scrapped at that bone, trying to get it off. Then he started yowling, like he was going crazy. Well, he confessed the murder, and RiverClan exiled him.
After the tom was exiled, the WindClan warrior went back to the Twoleg nest at moonhigh, and the she-cat's voice told him to dig under the rock beside him. He did, and he found a bunch of rabbits, birds, and squirrels. And where the she-cat had touched him, his pelt was burnt. It never came out.
One time a WindClan warrior went to see of he could put a haunt to rest at a twoleg nest in his territory. The twoleg nest had been haunted for the life-span of a middle aged cat. Several cats had tried to stay there all night, but they would always get scared by the haunt.
So this warrior took his prey and went to the twoleg nest and found some moss and made a nest. he sat there eating the rabbit he took with him. Then just before moonhigh he heard something start up underneath him-walking back and forth, back and forth. Then it sounded like somebody was trying to yowl but then got choked off. There was alot of thrashing around and struggling, and finally everything got quiet.
The WindClan warrior bent down to continue eating his rabbit, but before he could start eating, he heard pawsteps comming up. He sat watching the hole that led underneath him, and the pawsteps kept on coming closer and closer. he saw something turn, and when the hole started getting bigger, he jumped up and yowled, "What do you want?"
The hole got smaller, and there wasn't a sound. The WindClan warrior was trembling a little, but he finally ate some of his rabbit. Then he got up and went to fix his nest.
The haunt started walking again and-step!-step!-step!-up the hole. The old WindClan warrior sat watching the hole, saw something turn, and the hole get bigger. It looked like a young she-cat, maybe an apprentice. He backed up and said, "Who are you? "What do you want?"
The she-cat rocked from side to side like she didn't know what to do-then she just faded out. The WindClan warrior waited, waited, and when he didn't hear any more noises, he went over, and made the hole smaller. He was sweating and trembling all over, but he was brave and he thought he would be able to see it through. So he went over to his nest, sat down, and waited.
It wasn't long before he heard the she-cat start up again, slowly-step!-step!-step!-step!-closer, and closer-step!-step!-and she was right at the hole.
The WindClan warrior stood up and set his rabbit out in front of him. Something slowly turned and the hole got very big. This time the WindClan warrior spoke quiet-like. He said, "In the name of StarClan, who are you and what do you want?"
The she-cat walked strait to him, and touched his pelt. It was a young she-cat apprentice. Her pelt was torn and tangled, and flesh was dropping off her face so he could see the bones and part of her teeth. She had no eyes, but there was a sort of blue light in the back of her eye sockets. And she had no muzzle.
Then she started meowing. It sounded like it was coming and going with the wind blowing it. She said how her mate had killed her and put her down the hole. She said if the WindClan warrior found her bones and buried them, she could rest.
Then she told him to take one of the bones from her left fore-paw, and to put it in the center of the clearing at the next gathering-and he'd find out who murdered her.
And she said, "If you come back here once more after that-you'll hear my voice at moonhigh, and I'll tell you where my prey is hidden, and you can give it to your clan."
The she-cat sunk down toward the floor and was gone. The WindClan warrior found her bones and burried them.
At the next gathering the WindClan warrior put the bone in the center of the clearing, and when a certain tom happened to touch it, it stuck to his paw. The man jumped up and rubbed and tore and scrapped at that bone, trying to get it off. Then he started yowling, like he was going crazy. Well, he confessed the murder, and RiverClan exiled him.
After the tom was exiled, the WindClan warrior went back to the Twoleg nest at moonhigh, and the she-cat's voice told him to dig under the rock beside him. He did, and he found a bunch of rabbits, birds, and squirrels. And where the she-cat had touched him, his pelt was burnt. It never came out.