
Showing posts from March, 2020

Dawn of the Clans "The Sun Trial" Prologue

Cold gray light ripped over the  floor of a cave so vast that its roof was lost in shadows. An endless screen of water fell across the entrance, its sound echoing from the rocks.   Near the back of the cavern crouched a frail white she-cat. Despite her age, her green eyes where clear and deep with wisdom as her gaze traveled over the skinny cats swarming the cave floor, restlessly pacing in front of the shimmering waterfall: the elders huddled together in the sleeping hollows; the kits mewed desperately, demanding food from their exhausted mothers.   "We can't go on like this," the old she-cat whispered to herself.   A few tail-lengths away, several kits squabbled over an eagle carcass. its flesh had been striped away the day before as soon as their mothers had caught it. A big ginger it shouldered a smaller tabby away from the bone she was gnawing at.   "I need this!" he announced.   The tabby sprang up and nipped the end of the ginger kit's tail. ...

Firestar on ThunderClan

I am Firestar. Welcome to ThunderClan-the Clan of courage and loyalty. I was not a forest-born cat, but ThunderClan welcomed me, and once I proved myself as a warrior, they grew to respect me. I have risen to become leader and I would lay down all my nine lives for my Clan, just as my Clanmates would lay down their lives for me and for each other. There is no other Clan in the forest so true or brave. I respect and admire the other Clans, but my heart is here, with ThunderClan-the Clan of heroes, the Clan of compassion, the Clan of destiny.

Tallstar on WindClan

Welcome. I am Tallstar, and this is WindClan-a Clan that has known great suffering, but always survives. We are the fleet-footed warriors of the moor, the fastest Clan in the forest. We have struggled through terrible hardship, but we never give up. I know the other Clans sometimes see us as weak . . . but the truth is, they could not last a moon n the broad, open spaces we live in, chasing rabbits for our prey. We are the closest to StarClan, spiritually and phisically, we always know our warrior ancestors are watching over us. That is what makes us strong. No matter what trials we must endure, WindClan will last forever.

Leopardstar on RiverClan

There is a Clan unlike any other-a Clan with all the strength, brilliance, and beauty of water. Welcome to RiverClan. I am Leopardstar, the leader here. Can you hear the river? In its flowing current you can see what makes us the greatest Clan in the forest. Nothing can stand against the force of water, just as nothing can defeat RiverClan warriors when we rise up together. But when trouble comes, RiverClan knows how to weave through the dangers, adapting to the changing world, just how the river flows around rocks and over waterfalls. We are grace. We are power. We are RiverClan.

Blackstar on ShadowClan

Greetings. I am Blackstar. You must be brave indeed, to approach the territory of ShadowClan. Few are welcome here, in our world of secrets and darkness. We are a Clan of cunning and cleverness, a Clan well-suited to the shadows and the cold north wind. No other Clan can walk the paths of night like we do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but we are the most dangerouse warriors: fierce, proud, and independant. We are ruthlessly willing to do whatever it takes to protect our great Clan. There won't be any soft-hearted alliances here! ShadowClan will always be the dark heart of the forest.

CROWFEATHER SPEAKS: A forbidden love

H ave you ever loved another cat so much it made your heart ache and your fur tremble?   Feathertail understood me, and she listened to me. Her eyes were the clear blue of her river home. She died saving us all from Sharptooth. After that, I wanted only to serve my Clan to the limits of my strength, and the join Feathertail in StarClan.   But then I met Leafpaw. She was patient and kind. Her voice was like water flowing over pebbles, and her scent had hints of wildflowers in it.   What was happening to me? How could I fall in love with anyone-let alone a ThunderClan cat-let alone a ThunderClan medicine cat? I know the warrior code! I've always been a loyal WindClan cat. I knew that if I let myself fall for her, it would endanger my Clan. If my loyalties were divided, how could I be a true warrior? How could I defend WindClan against a ThunderClan attack, knowing I might hurt someone Leafpaw loves?   And medicine cats are especially forbidden to fall in love. She ...

scary warrior cats stories #2

                                What do you come for? There was an old loner, she was very lonely. Sitting under her favorite tree one night, she said, "Oh, how I wish I had some company."   No sooner had she spoken than down the tree tumbled two paws from which the flesh had rotted. The old loner's eyes bulged with terror.   Two legs dropped to the ground and attached themselves to the paws.   Then a body tumbled down, then two fore-legs, then a head.   As the old loner watched, the parts came together into a RiverClan warrior. The RiverClan warrior started running around the room. Faster and faster he went. Then he stopped, and he looked into her eyes.   "What do you come for?" she asked in a small voice that shivered and shook.   "What do I come for?" he said. "I come-for YOU!"

scary warrior cats stories #1

                                  The Haunted Twoleg nest One time a WindClan warrior went to see of he could put a haunt to rest at a twoleg nest in his territory. The twoleg nest had been haunted for the life-span of a middle aged cat. Several cats had tried to stay there all night, but they would always get scared by the haunt.   So this warrior took his prey and went to the twoleg nest and found some moss and made a nest. he sat there eating the rabbit he took with him. Then just before moonhigh he heard something start up underneath him-walking back and forth, back and forth. Then it sounded like somebody was trying to yowl but then got choked off. There was alot of thrashing around and struggling, and finally everything got quiet.   The WindClan warrior bent down to continue eating his rabbit, but before he could start eating, he heard pawsteps comming up. He sat watching the hole t...